Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Heart for Dad

51 years young and had to have a Quintuple By Pass Surgery
The doctor contributed it to family genetics. He said people could smoke, not exercise and eat horribly and never get heart disease. Same with the alternative. You could eat health, run marathons and not smoke and still get it. The main contributor = FAMILY GENES
So I guess I inherited more than just my good looks from my Family?
This past week has been a roller coaster for our family. Dad had a quintuple by pass surgery. He spent over a week in the hospital having tests done and being poked and prodded all night and day. He was relieved to get some sleep once we took him home!
They had to use a different leg vein for is operation so he had two incisions on each leg. An incision on his lower left abdomen right above his pelvic bone they used his major artery to perform two stents prior to the operation. But when the dye was administered and they looked at the condition of the arteries they decided open heart surgery was a much better choice for a longer and better quality of life. I'm not so sure Dad thought the same. To go through this surgery has been as much physically as emotionally challenging to swallow.
Dad's Battle Wound
When he came out of the ICU there were 3 tubes in his mouth, 1 tube in his neck, 2 tubes in his chest and 2 wires in his chest as well. They had put more IV's in his veins and arteries before surgery. 
These photos were taken shortly after leaving the ICU. You can see the bandage on his neck were they removed the tube from his neck. He said that hurt worse than his chest after surgery. It was as deep in as the length as a pencil but thicker in diameter! They didnt take out the chest tubes or wires until the day he left. Hey had them in there in monitor and control his heart rate and drain the 20 pounds of fluids they pumped into him during surgery. Taking them out they said would be painful and feel like someone punched you in the chest hard. One of the wires on his chest had claws on the end and Dad said it was the weirdest feeling. They are attached to the heart and he could feel them pull off the heart and scratch the whole way out.

Just yesterday my Dad went back to the hospital to talk with another man that he knew from their ward who just had a heart attack and was going to be going through the same thing. My Dad went into talk to him and give him encouragement. Its a hard thing to go through we are glad my Father can be of comfort to those in need.

We had Dr. Millar and Dr. Woodbury to perform the surgery along with 7 specialist
Here is an article about his doctors and a photo of them performing a heart surgery together. Much like the one Dad went through.

Taking Dad Home!!!
Anytime Dad sits up, walks, or adjusts he has to hold his heart pillow. He could ripe open his chest and be back into the hospital if he puts more than ten pounds of weight on his arms. If you haven't noticed my Dad is a GORILLA! He has very manly arms. Its one thing the Doctor said would be hard for him during recovery. He has to do this for the next SIX WEEKS! As you can see he is wearing ted hose to prevent a blood clot from the surgery. We are glad he is home!
He is already back to work!
 While my Dad was in the hospital he bought and sold hay.  One of the many things I have admired about my Dad was what a hard working Father he has always been. It is something that I looked for while dating and found in my husband too.

...let the 6 weeks recovery begin!

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