Sunday, June 5, 2011

Taking Clients!

Marley's son came in for a hair cut and he wanted a fohawk. I think it turned out great!!
I have graduated Freshman passed with a 99% and now I am ready to take clients and be on the floor at Taylor Andrews. I am excited!! Feel free to start booking!! I am at school from 8 am - 5 pm


  1. How exciting! Are you just loving it?

  2. I need a hair cut and color!! i just cut and colored mine the other day....rather difficult doing it on yourself :) So excited i have you to do my hair and OH DO YOU OWE ME :)-jill

  3. I am loving hair school it has been sooo much fun!! Thanks :) Are you loving being graduated from hair school?? Are you working or doing much hair now that you are done? Where did you and your hubby move to?

    Jilly I can't wait until we can do each others hair all the time...why do you live so far away? hahah it ruins the whole plan! Yes I so do owe you...but I have a husband who does a good job of making up for it! hahah can't wait for another girl spa day!

  4. Loved your talk in church on Sunday. I heard you mention you had a blog and I just found it. You will love doing hair if you haven't already fell in love with it! I have done hair for 6 years now and love every minute of it! I love your makeup work too!!
