Elder Calaway serving in the Ukraine Mission. Jordan was able to Skype us on Christmas from Ukraine!
I love wearing comfy boy clothes when I am lounging around the house. I am wearing Brandon's Shirt & PJ pants, My Dads wool socks and sweat shirt. I know I look like an obese homeless person!...hahah
I had the flu on Christmas Eve...luckily I was pretty recovered by Christmas
Kellen & I
Mom & Dad were rear ended from a PT Cruiser in Las Vegas when they were stopped at a red light. The car threw them 25 feet into the intersection! I am so glad they are still alive! I told Corbin he would have had to live with Brandon and I if Mom & Dad died he replied, "No way!! I would live with Jill! She would have better food than you & Brandon!! Like cookies, pop, candy..." The true way to any boys heart!
When it rains it FLOODS! This is how we get rain in the desert!! Yes that is or WAS a bridge. This is the Virgin River...which is more like a stream every other day of the year!
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